Last Year vs New Year
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Hello again after five months. Unfortunately, I could not accomplish the regular blogging I claimed in my first blog post for various reasons. At least, I took a step into this platform. In this blog, I would like to put the negative things 2020 has brought aside and review how it went from my own perspective, and talk about what kind of plans I have for the new year. To tell the truth, I feel a little awkward when I make such sentences, sometimes I say who cares about plans that I make, but my main goal is to see how I got to where I am. I would like to see what I did well and what I did wrong when I look back after a certain time during my journey.
Last year
As I mentioned in detail in my previous blog post, I can say that one of the two most important points of 2020 for me was my graduation. During my senior year, I found a chance to work part-time and it was a great chance to experience working life. After a long student adventure, I graduated even though I couldn’t have a chance to have a graduation ceremony due to the pandemic. The other good news was delighting news for me to find a job before I took my final exams. After a very short vacation, I started work on August 4. Due to pandemic conditions, I have only been able to go to the office a few times since I started working. Everything from my job interview to my orientation process happened online. In the beginning, I had questions, especially about getting familiar with work-life and things. I think I got through this process as nicely and efficiently as possible. The contribution of my company culture and my colleagues to this is great. Besides, it was crucial to surviving the last year in a healthy way. When I consider these developments I cannot say 2020 was bad for me. Saying that would be quite ungrateful behavior, especially in this period.
“If you do not know which port to take the ship to, no wind is suitable.”
New Year
Unfortunately, it does not seem possible to make radical plans for 2021, such as starting running, exercising regularly, or registering for a swimming pool. So I can say that I mostly focused on the plans I could do at home. Of course, blogging comes in the first place. I’m not sure if I can write weekly serials because after my first blog post I realized that the topics I can write are quite limited. I plan to write mainly on technical subjects in order to experience the best practice of learning something well. Apart from that, I want to take a Rasberry Pi as a hobby project and make a smart mirror. Of course, I think of using open-source code rather than writing it from scratch in the first place. By the way, I am also aware that I need to use my GitHub account more actively. It is also among my plans to create opportunities and contribute to open-source projects from time to time. I think that much technical plan is enough at first, and it is necessary to focus on different areas as well. The introduction to photography course I took in my senior year at university increased my interest in the subject. I think it might be good to improve myself in mobile photography and to get a new hobby in the new year. In recent years, I have continuously improved my reading skills so far in the past years. I want to continue taking notes about the book I read, which I started in late 2020. Although this method slows down my reading, I believe it will let me to better understand what I am reading and quickly return to that subject whenever I need it. Finally, I can say that I plan to use English more actively and improve it as much as possible.
I think reducing the options and choices that you can consume is the essential point to succeed in life. By doing that you can increase your focus and motivation. I am aware that I mentioned a lot above as a new year goal. Actually, they are a little more like high-level plans. To realize these plans, I aim to divide them into smaller and measurable steps and do them at certain times of the year. I hope it will be a healthy year for everyone and they can achieve what they want.